Over the last several decades in-situ leach mining has become increasingly popular. Conventional mining produces tailings, runo!, and considerable land disturbance—all requiring signi"cant rehabilitation. ... uranium, copper, gold and silver. Extraction can be accomplished using one of two methods; the well-to-well recovery method discussed ...
— Since the 1990s, sandstone-type uranium in the northern basin of China has become the main target for mining. Uranium mining can cause a series of impacts on the environment. A conceptual model of the geo-environment for sandstone-type uranium in northern China was described, which covers the changes in the geo-environmental …
Nuclear Engineering and Technology (Aug 2023) . Reformability evaluation of blasting-enhanced permeability in in situ leaching mining of low-permeability sandstone-type uranium deposits
— This study offers valuable insights into the sustainable advancement of in situ leaching technologies in uranium mining, propelling scientific research and practical applications in the...
— Due to high content of carbonate and sulfide in ore, precipitation of calcium compounds is blocking the in-situ leaching system at Mengqiguer sandstone type deposit. Autoclave CO2 + O2 leaching tests were conducted in respecting the blockage and uranium migration. Result shows that: Most uranium was recovered within the first hour. Calcite …
The cover picture shows the in situ uranium central processing facility, Hobson Uranium Project, Everest Mineral Corporation, Karnes County, Texas, United States of America.
— Previous conclusions regarding ultrasonic leaching may therefore not be applicable to the in situ leaching of low-permeability uranium-bearing sandstone. Although low-frequency vibration has been widely applied in the oil industry to increase oil permeability (Sun et al., 2020), its use in uranium leaching has only been reported by …
The remediation of groundwater subject to in situ leaching (ISL) for uranium mining has raised extensive concerns in uranium mill and milling. This study conducted bioremediation through biostimulation and bioaugmentation to the groundwater in an area in northern China that was contaminated due to u …
In situ leach (ISL) technology is an innovative and recently utilised mining alternative. It is recognized as having economic and environmental advantages when properly employed by knowledgeable specialists to extract uranium from suitable sandstone type deposits.
PDF | On Jun 3, 2019, AG Sekisov and others published Applicability of in-situ leaching and divided blasting combination | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
— This article simulates two infiltration leaching processes, atmospheric heap leaching and pressurized in-situ leaching, and explores the effect of surfactant …
In open pit mining, overburden is removed by drilling and blasting to expose the ore body, which is then mined by blasting and excavation using loaders and dump trucks. ... In 2012, the percentage of the mined uranium produced by in-situ leach was 44.9 percent. In this technology, uranium is leached from the in-place ore through an array of ...
— The permeability of ore is a key factor affecting the leaching effect of uranium ore, and the addition of surfactants can significantly improve the permeability of ore, thereby strengthening uranium ore leaching. This article simulates two infiltration leaching processes, atmospheric heap leaching and pressurized in-situ leaching, and …
First used in Wyoming in the 1950s, in-situ leaching (ISL) mining accounts for most uranium production in the United States. In situ leaching – what it is. ISL involves injecting chemicals, called "lixivants" into an aquifer that contains a uranium ore body (i.e. deposit).
— Uranium processing - Leaching, Extraction, Purification: Roasted uranium ores are leached of their uranium values by both acidic and alkaline aqueous solutions. For the successful operation of all leaching systems, uranium must either be initially present in the more stable hexavalent state or be oxidized to that state in the leaching process. …
— 1. Introduction. The uranium mining industry plays a crucial role in accelerating the global energy supply and economy growth (Yin et al., 2019).As a result, many approaches have been developed over the years to cost-effectively and sustainably exploit large reservoirs of uranium (Zhou et al., 2020).Acid in-situ leaching (AISL) is …
In situ leach or leaching (ISL) or in situ recovery (ISR) mining has become one of the standard uranium production methods. Its application to amenable uranium deposits (in certain sedimentary formations) has been growing in view of its competitive production costs and low surface impacts.
— 3D reactive transport model is an efficient tool to simulate uranium ISR operation: indeed the whole process is based on reacting fluid circulation in porous media. The simulation can help quantify the processes at …
— In situ leaching offers a potentially attractive way to extract copper from the subsurface without costly fragmentation and processing. Applicability of in situ leaching is limited to deposits where sufficient permeability exists and where the copper and gangue mineralogy is amenable to leaching. A key challenge from past projects is establishing …
DOI: 10.1016/j.2023.03.034 Corpus ID: 258287254; Reformability evaluation of blasting-enhanced permeability in in situ leaching mining of low-permeability sandstone-type uranium deposits
— Acid in situ leaching (AISL) is a subsurface mining approach suitable for low-grade ores which does not generate tailings, and has been adopted widely in uranium mining. However, this technique causes an extremely high concentration of contaminants at post-mining sites and in the surroundings soon after the mining ceases.
In order to obtain a desirable muck-pile formation by stope blasting for in-situ leaching and more uniform leaching rate of uranium from flat-dipping ore bodies,some commercial tests were carried out on the in-situ leaching of uranium after stope blasting in a mine by using the following methods and technologies,including muck-pile formation by upward deep …
— In situ recovery (ISR) 2 uranium mining technology was developed independently in both the USSR and in the USA in the late 1950s to early 1960s. It was developed in both countries using similar engineering and technological approaches. However, the Soviets adopted the acid leach system, while the US specialists employed …
— In-situ uranium leaching with the help of bacteria was carried out in the Standrock Ltd. uranium mine in Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada even before 1965 [10,11]. ... Through drilling and blasting techniques, the fractured ore block was leached in combination with an on-site bioreactor for Fe 3+ regeneration. Although principal feasibility was ...
— In this study, an electrokinetic in situ leaching method for low-permeability uranium ore is proposed. Compared to traditional in situ leaching methods, this process …
— The varied in situ leaching methods tailored to the primary composition of uranium deposits worldwide underscore the remarkable achievements of in situ leaching in improving extraction efficiency, …
— Usually, an in-situ leaching mining area consists of dozens of in-situ leaching units, and each unit consists of five or seven wells, a production well in the center and several surrounding injection wells, forming a "five-spot" or "seven-spot" pattern well field.
— 1. Introduction. Uranium (U) is a crucial mineral resource that serves as the foundation of nuclear industry development and plays an indispensable role for nuclear power generation and medical applications [1].In situ leaching uranium mining technology is extensively used in the uranium mining process due to its distinctive advantages of …
The remediation of groundwater subject to in situ leaching (ISL) for uranium mining has raised extensive concerns in uranium mill and milling. This study conducted bioremediation through biostimulation and bioaugmentation to the groundwater in an area in northern China that was contaminated due to uranium mining using the CO2 + O2 neutral ISL ...
— This study contributes to the understanding of the behavior of pyrite during uranium recovery through CO 2 + O 2 leaching. It also contributes to the understanding …
— ISL of uranium is a new and unconventional mining method that involves injecting a leaching solution into the porous network of the ore body; extracting uranium …
— In the process of in situ leaching of uranium, the microstructure controls and influences the flow distribution, percolation characteristics, and reaction mechanism of lixivium in the pores of ...
It is essential to evaluate the blasting-enhanced permeability (BEP) feasibility of a low-permeability sandstone-type uranium deposit. In this work, the mineral composition, reservoir physical properties and rock mechanical properties of samples from sandstone-type uranium deposits were first measured. Then, the reformability evaluation method …
— Conference: Remediation of uranium in-situ leaching area at Straz Pod Ralskem, Czech Republic ... Over the period of 'chemical' leaching of uranium (ca. 32 years), a total of more than 4 million tons of sulphuric acid and other chemicals have been injected into the ground. Most of the products (approx. 99.5 %) of the acids reactions …
Chapter 2 provides information on uranium recovery using the in-situ leach (ISL) process. The first part of the chapter gives basic information on the type of uranium deposits that …
— In situ leaching (ISL) is becoming the main mining practice for sandstone-type uranium deposits in China. The key to ISL technology is to aid the leaching solution in contacting the ore bed over a large range, which will induce a series of chemical reactions to extract uranium; thus, it is essential to thoroughly understand the reservoir physical …
the processing of new objects by the method of in situ leaching. The presence of chloride ions suppresses the uranium recovery by anion exchangers [12-14]. The process of uranium sorption by ion exchange resin is the basis of a large amount of technological schemes for reprocessing productive solutions [15 -19]. Therefore, in
development of in situ leaching techniques for uranium mining will play a pivotal role in maintaining the long-term sustainability of nuclear energy as a primary clean energy …